凯普(上海)商贸有限公司是美国Surlalune公司在设立的独资公司,以“推广葡萄酒文化,倡引高品位生活”为公司理念,致力于通过精选范围内的优质葡萄佳酿,传播世界葡萄酒文化精髓。凯普以“KEEP WINE 藏酒库”葡萄酒连锁为平台,为消费者提供世界各地的优质葡萄佳酿。凯普公司将法国、西班牙、意大利、美国、澳大利亚等国家200多个庄园和葡萄酒厂家,1000多款名优葡萄酒带到;同时,与世界的葡萄酒品鉴组织合作,不断从世界各地甄选优质的葡萄酒,以丰富中葡萄酒市场。在去年世博会期间,公司代理的法国普吉奥城堡的羊头系列葡萄酒,被法国政府指定为法国馆馆酒。
KEEP WINE (Shanghai) Trade Co,.Ltd. is a single proprietorship of American company Surlalune settled in China. Conducted by the concept of “Proposing a life of high-quality through the promotion of the culture of wine”, KEEP WINE spares no efforts in propagating the distillation of wine culture, by carrying out professional selections in vintage wine. As for our Chinese consumers, KEEP WINE has developed the linkage wine industry named as “KEEP WINE Cellar”, which offers them more than 1000 types of excellent wine over 200 chateaus professional factories located in France, Spain, Italy, America Australia. Moreover, KEEP WINE also cooperates with world famous evaluatingganizations to constantly wine of good quality, inder to enrich the medium-to-high grade wine market within China.
Surlalune Company, established by a French Bordeaux Wine Family who immigrated to America, possesses a number of grape manors as well as grape gardens larger than 1,000 hectares. With these resources Surlalune vinifies outstanding wine, has already started to sell it in numerous linkage stores in not only America France, but also Chinese at the mean time.